The surface on which to travel along the linoleum, you need to align properly and get rid of dust on it. If a concrete base under the floor has significant flaws, and the rough area, you should make cement screed for its alignment. To do this, preparing a solution: take one part cement (M300-M400), and the three parts of sand. Dilute to a thick consistency.
Before you begin to lay the solution is on a concrete foundation, it should be moistened with water. Then, when the water is absorbed, to start a cement screed. In this case the most important thing - is to see to it that the thickness of the layer of cement was the same on the entire surface of the concrete. Anyone who has recently decided to do construction work on their own, help majachnye rails that set each other at a distance of between one and a half meters, and their height - twenty millimeters.
After laying the cement he leveled with the top edge of the board of Lighthouse rails. After the solution was seized, his smooth down with a special trowel. Next week, the surface is moistened with water two or three times a day. This will give an opportunity to provide additional strength and durability of the surface.
If under the linoleum are going to make the basis of the wooden planks, you should make sure that these boards did not creak or flex. For such a framework should be chosen such boards, which would have a thickness of at least forty millimeters. Each of the boards are fixed with two nails to the camps, and then nail the nails into the wood by about five millimeters, because educated zashpaklevyvayut pits.
In fact, any of the surfaces can safely align using fiberboard (short abbreviation - DWT). In addition, these panels provide additional thermal insulation of the floor.
If there is a concrete basis for sex, then it is such plates are attached using mastic, making hot and cold layer is two to three millimeters. To get started on mastic layer lies soft boards, then good press because impose another layer of mastic and install another layer of semi-solid fiberboard. After that, the basis of "rammed" and left for a few days.
To the floor of wood fiber boards fastened with nails - nail them along the edges of the tile at a distance of ten inches apart. MDF is an interval in the middle of twenty to thirty centimeters. Hats of nails neatly recessed, and the joints of individual plates and mopped shpatlyuyut. Once they are dry, they are polished with sandpaper. First fit the soft slab, and then semi-solid plates - they are attached in the same way with nails. In order to make such a base, should spare no nails.
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