вторник, 25 сентября 2012 г.

Alignment plasterboard walls

The very name of the text speaks for itself, repairs in the apartment always touch the wall. Most people plastered their old ways by various cement mixtures and solutions, and the most prudent people who value their time and money has long since started using the latest methods. This is because the walls with their hands is much easier and faster. Moreover, this method is used with the least pollution and costs, which is very important, especially if the floor does not need to be changed, or when people are living in this room.

Laying the tiles with their hands

If you decide to make major repairs on their own, and in particular, put the tile, then this article is for you. Before you begin to repair their own hands, it is necessary to prepare the surface, even the walls and floor, and buy all the necessary materials. The process of preparing the surface of the time-consuming and it is as good as possible to clear the wall from the last tile, adhesive residue and, if necessary, a little plaster wall surface. This is necessary in order to align it. Alignment by means of plaster walls and floor alignment occurs with the help of special mortars. What happens next is laying tiles with their hands.

среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

How to prepare a floor under the linoleum flooring

The simplest way to date the flooring is probably covered with linoleum. However, before proceeding with the case, it is necessary to prepare the basis for linoleum.

The surface on which to travel along the linoleum, you need to align properly and get rid of dust on it. If a concrete base under the floor has significant flaws, and the rough area, you should make cement screed for its alignment. To do this, preparing a solution: take one part cement (M300-M400), and the three parts of sand. Dilute to a thick consistency.

воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

Warm water floor with their hands

Warm water floor known for consumers living in the former Soviet Union, for quite a long time. For the first time they were installed in the 80's of last century.

However, for some time, this method of domestic heating was safely forgotten. There are several reasons. First, both then and now many believe they are not tested and, therefore, unreliable technology. Secondly, floor, although it is not too difficult, however, requires some effort to study it. Third, quite a few people who really know how to do everything, and that can translate their knowledge into action.

Repair ceiling with his hands

The design of the room plays a vital role ceiling decoration, color, texture, height, and layered. For example, with high ceilings allow the free use of any color from light pastel colors to dark, with a variety of patterns. Well, if you want to allocate a separate section of a light spot on the bed in the bedroom or elsewhere - choose installation multilevel ceilings of plasterboard.

Before carrying out repairs to the ceiling with his hands to decide which ceiling eventually you want to get and what meaning it has to transmit.

пятница, 7 сентября 2012 г.

How to choose a design for a toilet?

The most difficult task in the repair - a design bathroom. Not being a professional in this area, but decided to hold it with your hands, try to learn as much as possible of contemporary design options such premises and develop your own project on the basis of the most liked.

But for reassurance, yet draw it on paper and on the scale required in the color scheme, which would like to see in this popular corner of the apartment. In addition, this figure must be combined with the existing plans of the premises. And if, after the completion of works on paper look of the toilet you completely satisfied, you can safely proceed to translate it into practice.

вторник, 4 сентября 2012 г.


In this article I will show you how to repair the balcony with his hands quickly and inexpensively. The first step is to throw out all the junk that has accumulated over many years of living in the apartment.

Repair ceiling.

To finish the walls, you can choose the plastic panels, the main advantages are low cost and practicality. Repairs need to start with a plastic rack mounting panel. The wall, at a distance of 100 mm from the ceiling, attach the metal profile. Profile can be fixed with dowels, drill holes in the wall. Leveled properly to control the level of the building.