пятница, 12 октября 2012 г.

What is laminate

In previous years, an indicator of high status and prestige of the owners of the house or apartment was the presence of hardwood floors as well as parquet - is a beautiful, long-lasting and durable.
But flooring is expensive enough, and its styling - not an easy task. It is for these reasons, the company Perstorp Flooring AB more than 25 years ago started a more economical version of flooring.
A very successful result of trial and error in the design was the so-called laminated cover, often simply referred to as laminate.

Since the appearance of the laminate as a material production technology has changed several times: the price of laminate decreased, and the quality increases. Anyway, today laminate in its physical characteristics: heat resistance, water resistance and durability in many ways superior coverage of natural wood.
Laminate flooring does not fade, is not afraid of ultraviolet, and it can even be washed with acetone.
Laminate structure

Hot Tub

Some time ago, a hot tub in the house, we considered a luxury. In the 90 years to afford such a purchase might only the affluent segments of the population - today the situation has changed.
Along with expensive models baths today there is quite affordable and the average consumer model whirlpools. Most buy a bath was not difficult - the main problem is the choice of a variety of bath models.
Before buying a bath

Before buying a hot tub you need to carefully measure the size of the bathroom and all the doorways to accommodate a bathtub in the bathroom and go through the door.
Another detail that you need to plan, is access to the tub to prevent damage and to repair. This is very important if you want to hide in the bathroom or in the podium floor.

How to choose tiles

The word "tile" - German origin.
Decorative glazed ceramic tiles called us so with the filing of Peter I. The history goes back to the tile civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, where burnt clay tiles painted cover various surfaces.
Through the use of new technologies in the manufacture, tiles are well positioned in a number of other building materials.

The popularity is due to its magnificent tile characteristics:

The strength of the tiles over concrete strength by 10 times;
The high stiffness of the material eliminates distortion even at maximum loads;
Tile has a high fire resistance, which allows them to coat saunas and fireplaces;
Tile is totally safe for human health;
Ceramic tile is resistant to chemicals;
Wash and clean the tile easy. Tile full water resistance, resistant to sun and electro.
Marking tiles

Finishing metal doors

Today, building materials market is ready to offer a wide range of iron doors decorated with various kinds.
The final price of the door depends on this type of finish, regardless of whether you bought the finished door, or it was made to order.

Vinilskozha - the most economical material used for the door trim so-called economy class. This does not mean that the characteristics of vinyl artificial leather is poor - on the contrary, they are on top.
Vinilskozha highly resistant to fire. Of course, it is not completely fireproof, but at high temperatures is not lit and smoldering. Furthermore vinilskozha resistant to temperature changes and the adverse effects of the atmosphere, and it can be used for door trim, facing the street.

Vinilskozha environmentally friendly, does not emit toxic fumes and is easy to clean.

среда, 3 октября 2012 г.

Fireplace in the interior

There are many different designs of fireplaces, which can be found in a special directory, or to seek the assistance of a professional designer. Appearance and location of the fireplace, above all, depends on the situation room, from its location relative to the other of the interior, that is, from its harmony with the overall style of the room. In the manufacture of cladding using different materials, depending on the tastes of the customer.

Fireplace project - is an essential condition for its installation. Usually the design of case-area: projected, under construction or already built, isolated or through passage, with some rooms or interlocked side by side, on one level, whether or interlocked with the neighboring rooms.
Special attention is given to the foundation by the fireplace. These calculations are usually given special attention because of them, often depend not only any material losses in the event of improper design, but also the safety of people.

How to repair the balcony with his hands

Balcony or loggia in apartment buildings can have many functions. First of all, they are used, of course, as a place where the comfort of the apartment, you can enjoy the fresh air and views of the surrounding area. Others believe that it is an excellent version of "smoking room", the third and did things warehoused here. Naturally, the balcony should also be quite presentable. However, with time frames warp, the roof starts to drip from the walls and peeling paint. And you sadly sigh, counting in your mind, how much money will have to pay the brigade, which will repair.

However, the family budget will save repair balconies with their hands. It needs only to follow the uncomplicated guidelines:

вторник, 25 сентября 2012 г.

Alignment plasterboard walls

The very name of the text speaks for itself, repairs in the apartment always touch the wall. Most people plastered their old ways by various cement mixtures and solutions, and the most prudent people who value their time and money has long since started using the latest methods. This is because the walls with their hands is much easier and faster. Moreover, this method is used with the least pollution and costs, which is very important, especially if the floor does not need to be changed, or when people are living in this room.

Laying the tiles with their hands

If you decide to make major repairs on their own, and in particular, put the tile, then this article is for you. Before you begin to repair their own hands, it is necessary to prepare the surface, even the walls and floor, and buy all the necessary materials. The process of preparing the surface of the time-consuming and it is as good as possible to clear the wall from the last tile, adhesive residue and, if necessary, a little plaster wall surface. This is necessary in order to align it. Alignment by means of plaster walls and floor alignment occurs with the help of special mortars. What happens next is laying tiles with their hands.

среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

How to prepare a floor under the linoleum flooring

The simplest way to date the flooring is probably covered with linoleum. However, before proceeding with the case, it is necessary to prepare the basis for linoleum.

The surface on which to travel along the linoleum, you need to align properly and get rid of dust on it. If a concrete base under the floor has significant flaws, and the rough area, you should make cement screed for its alignment. To do this, preparing a solution: take one part cement (M300-M400), and the three parts of sand. Dilute to a thick consistency.

воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

Warm water floor with their hands

Warm water floor known for consumers living in the former Soviet Union, for quite a long time. For the first time they were installed in the 80's of last century.

However, for some time, this method of domestic heating was safely forgotten. There are several reasons. First, both then and now many believe they are not tested and, therefore, unreliable technology. Secondly, floor, although it is not too difficult, however, requires some effort to study it. Third, quite a few people who really know how to do everything, and that can translate their knowledge into action.

Repair ceiling with his hands

The design of the room plays a vital role ceiling decoration, color, texture, height, and layered. For example, with high ceilings allow the free use of any color from light pastel colors to dark, with a variety of patterns. Well, if you want to allocate a separate section of a light spot on the bed in the bedroom or elsewhere - choose installation multilevel ceilings of plasterboard.

Before carrying out repairs to the ceiling with his hands to decide which ceiling eventually you want to get and what meaning it has to transmit.

пятница, 7 сентября 2012 г.

How to choose a design for a toilet?

The most difficult task in the repair - a design bathroom. Not being a professional in this area, but decided to hold it with your hands, try to learn as much as possible of contemporary design options such premises and develop your own project on the basis of the most liked.

But for reassurance, yet draw it on paper and on the scale required in the color scheme, which would like to see in this popular corner of the apartment. In addition, this figure must be combined with the existing plans of the premises. And if, after the completion of works on paper look of the toilet you completely satisfied, you can safely proceed to translate it into practice.

вторник, 4 сентября 2012 г.


In this article I will show you how to repair the balcony with his hands quickly and inexpensively. The first step is to throw out all the junk that has accumulated over many years of living in the apartment.

Repair ceiling.

To finish the walls, you can choose the plastic panels, the main advantages are low cost and practicality. Repairs need to start with a plastic rack mounting panel. The wall, at a distance of 100 mm from the ceiling, attach the metal profile. Profile can be fixed with dowels, drill holes in the wall. Leveled properly to control the level of the building.

четверг, 30 августа 2012 г.

As most to insulate wooden windows

Probably, every family has its own method of warming some windows. And your not the exception. However, once you learn some new and interesting method, then take advantage of them with pleasure. This article is an example of a less common, but effective method of insulating windows.

This method for the proposed technology is quite different from most known variants due to its high efficiency. So, you should prepare all the materials: special window film, sealant and sealant.

четверг, 16 августа 2012 г.

How to restore the bath with his hands

Enamel coated cast iron or steel bath eventually wear and become worthless as it appears on the surface roughness, cracks and chips. There is a problem replacing the bath, but it is expensive and time consuming.
Easier and less costly solution would be the restoration of the bath with his hands. One of the ways is to restore enamel bath with special two-component paints. You can do the work yourself, or contact a specialized organization that produces such work.

вторник, 14 августа 2012 г.

Well of his hands

In ancient times, water was seen in nature, like life itself, an inexhaustible zhiznennyyistochnik. Highly respected and appreciated people who could find a clean, suitable for pityavodu and dig a well.
Before choosing a place to settle, our ancestors found the area with water. Choosing a place lozohody. They found vines with drinking water. At this point, dug a well and settled around.
I do not know if we formed a Russian village thanks to the well of drinking water, but with the technology that was used in our village, I also did well in his country house and now I am dependent on a well with a pump, when electricity is cut off in the area.
Well of his hands, we do so:

Tips for self-sharpening chain saw

Now widely used for different kinds of work in the garden or summer cottage got the chain saw. This unit has a high efficiency and makes it easy to produce and cost clearing garden or firewood. However, during the operation, after a certain period of time, depending on the intensity of use of chain saws, chain it needs sharpening. Use at work dull saw chain leads to unnecessary expenditure of energy and material resources, and can also lead to injuries. So you must always pay close attention to sharpening of the chain, since it is this factor more directly affects the performance of the work, than the increase in engine power saws.

Independently insert a plastic window

No one will argue that the windows should be installed by a qualified installer and follow the installation instructions in accordance with GOST.

But, sometimes there and installers, amateurs, and the desire to install sekonomit too many present.

Therefore, insert the plastic windows in their homes and openings can be yourself. What will it take?

1. To prepare the sash window for installation in an opening: remove her sash in fixed glazing bead to remove her and take out the plastic window glazing (windows PVC) from the outside to remove the protective film.

Bench to give

Bench to give give your garden personal style and create a sense of special comfort in the garden. Benches can be held for questioning not only utilitarian function garden, but also be a place to store garden tools, trellises and flower boxes.

As you can visually enlarge a small bathroom?

  • For a small bathroom is recommended for the walls, floor and ceiling materials used bright colors and similar colors.
  • Painting the ceiling of a small band of color around the edges of the walls, we visually increase the height of the bathroom. Using the moldings or decorative strip of wallpaper, we are addicted to our mind up.
  • Open your bathroom into a wide horizontal stripes will help in height - vertical stripes.
  • If the bathroom floor you use, it should cover the entire surface of the floor. This may be difficult at fixing plumbing, but will bring tangible effect visually expanding the size of the bathroom.
  • In order to visually enlarge the bathroom pick commensurate with the size of the room with modern plumbing, and possibly even make sense to replace the bulky bathroom shower.