No one will argue that the windows should be installed by a qualified installer and follow the installation instructions in accordance with GOST.

But, sometimes there and installers, amateurs, and the desire to install sekonomit too many present.
Therefore, insert the plastic windows in their homes and openings can be yourself. What will it take?
1. To prepare the sash window for installation in an opening: remove her sash in fixed glazing bead to remove her and take out the plastic window glazing (windows PVC) from the outside to remove the protective film.
2. Plastic window frame inserted into the groove on the connection profile.
3. Align the metal-frame windows across and get the same clearance on the sides. Level and through technological wedges put PVC window frame in a vertical plane.
4. To pick up the thickness of the bearing pads can be used for lining windows plastic window.
5. Make the frame of plastic PVC windows mark a drilling dowel holes and marks to drill holes for dowels, not break drill hole from the outside to the inside of a plastic window frame.
7.If sealing tape is not used, then: to provide between the window frame and PVC-quarter gap 3-7 mm, which further zapenivaetsya and silicone on the outside and in the lower part of the gap between the connection profile and also to close the opening with silicone.
8. Sash windows PVC insert into the opening. Check the level of the horizontal position and lock in the opening wedge.
9. According to the holes drilled by the wall plug and install the plug. For tightening, use a screwdriver with a torque moment and to avoid distortion of PVC window frames, on the opposite side balk blade screwdrivers or wedges. Ideal to use in these cases, special spacers.
10. Zapenit on the sides and top of the seam between the window frame and PVC wall. Take into account the properties of the foam to expand.
11. Sill is installed in the foam. In the area of contact with the plastic window frame before installing the strip is applied silicone. Then start a windowsill PVC window frame level and tamp wedges bottom and top is expanded if necessary. If the distance between the sill and the bottom of the opening is large it can be reduced to 5-10 mm mortar.
12. Ebb secured with screws to podstavochnomu profile. It is desirable to use the foam below low tide.
13. Glaze grouse, hang a plastic window sash.
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