вторник, 14 августа 2012 г.

Bench to give

Bench to give give your garden personal style and create a sense of special comfort in the garden. Benches can be held for questioning not only utilitarian function garden, but also be a place to store garden tools, trellises and flower boxes.

Bench in the form of a mushroom made ​​of old logs and painted stained woodwork. These benches give the clearing in the garden quite a fabulous view. And even if you do not regularly use these benches, bench-type of mushrooms on green grass can not lift your spirits.
Of logs can be not only a simple bench, attach it to the back of the unit boards, but it can be convenient and garden table.
A simple garden bench made ​​of wooden slats with the boxes. Boxes can be used as tubs of flowers or a box of small tools.
Everyone knows how hard it is to cope with the falling section of an old tree. But you can do it and this unusual garden bench.
Spil round of logs can be an excellent material for garden benches. Important to treat the wood with special protective equipment.
Fancy plastic benches to give in the form of bright autumn leaves on a metal frame will last you for a long time so as not afraid of the weather.

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